Congratulations Shannon Boston & Kate Starr!

We are so proud and excited to celebrate our Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration Shannon Boston and member Kate Starr, after having successfully completed the Spiritual Direction Formation & Certification program at Meadville Lombard Theological School! Their commitment to cultivating spiritual maturity, courage, and imagination prepares them to bring healing and discernment into a world in need. Join us as we congratulate Shannon and Kate for their dedication and hard work. Well done and well deserved! Click the link below to watch their commissioning on Saturday, May 4 at noon.

Magic City Book presents Tracie McMillan in conversation with Victor Luckerson at All Souls Unitarian Church on April 30 at 7pm. This event is free and open to the public.Magic City Presents At All Souls Tracie McMillan in Conversation with Victor Luckerson

Tuesday, April 30 | 7pm | All Souls Unitarian Church |Free
In The White Bonus, Tracie McMillan asks a provocative question about racism in America: When people of color are denied so much, what are white people given? And how much is it worth in dollars and cents? McMillan begins with three generations of her family, tracking their modest wealth to its roots: American policy that helped whites first. In the process, McMillan puts a cash value to whiteness in her life and assesses its worth. McMillan then expands her investigation to four other white subjects of different generations across the U.S. Alternating between these subjects and her family, McMillan shows how, and to what degree, racial privilege begets material advantage across class, time, and place. This event is free and open to everyone! Learn more, and order the book, at Magic City Books by clicking the button below.

Build Community At All Souls

Adult Programs Committee Meeting |Wednesday May 1 | 6-8pm | Alliance RoomAnyone interested in joining the Adult Programs Committee is welcome to come to this inaugural meeting to help shape the adult religious exploration and the programs we offer at All Souls! Help plan special events and classes, build community for adults in different ages and stages, and give voice to what our community is looking for. If you are interested and need childcare and/or want pizza, please RSVP with Shannon Boston at You are welcome to bring an appetizer or dessert to share.

Ways To Connect This Week

Visit our Calendar page for more information on these ways to connect.

  • Men of All Souls (Open to All): Tuesdays | 7 pm | Zoom:
  • All Souls Trekkers: Cancer Advocacy and Support: Wednesdays | 5:30 pm |
  • Wednesday Circle: Wednesdays in May (Online Only) | 7pm |
  • Yoga For Every Body with Stacie Beckert: Wednesdays in May | 7pm | Room 207

Register your spot for Camp OlympUUs this summer at Camp starts June 17-21 from 12:30pm-4:30pm.Looking Ahead

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events!

Register For Camp OlympUUs Summer Camp: June 17-21 | 12:30-4:30pmAll Souls Summer Camp for Campers (entering 1st-6th) Mini Campers (pre-K-kinder) and Junior Councilors (entering 7th-12th). Learn about mythology, practice archery, make togas, and many other fun, educational, and creative activities. 12:30-4:30 pm.
Cost for Campers and Mini-Campers: $100; for Junior Councilors: $50. Scholarships available for members-in-need and volunteers. Contact Shannon Boston for more info: Register now at