We need not worship alike to love alike.

All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church does not follow a particular doctrine or creed, but follows the Unitarian Universalist theology of radical acceptance and inclusiveness. Love and community are at the heart of each service. Ministers and guest speakers draw wisdom from the world’s religions, philosophy, literature, science, poetry and the natural world in order to deliver messages relevant to our times.

Our covenant, a promise we make to each other, unifies All Souls members across a wide variety of perspectives and beliefs. It is spoken aloud at every service.

Love is the spirit of this church, and service is its law. This is our great covenant, to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.

Sunday Service Information

  • Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024
  • Speaker: Rev. Randy Lewis
  • Sermon Title: Trigger Warnings

Join us this Sunday, July 28, 2024, as Rev. Randy Lewis continues our #UNFILTERED Summer Sermon Series. His message, ‘Trigger Warnings,’ will explore how certain words and images stir up strong emotions and trigger reactions within our community. Let’s come together this Sunday and learn how to handle our emotional responses kindly and wisely.

Watch Us Every Sunday

We invite you to join us online every Sunday! We stream both our services for you to see from anywhere in the world. Join us at 10am (CST) for our traditional Unitarian Universalist service or at 11:30am (CST) for The Point Humanist Hour.

Service Times:

Location: All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria Ave., Tulsa, OK

Can’t join us in person? Watch our services live on on website, YouTube or Facebook. Follow us on YouTube and Spotify to catch up on previous sermons and stay connected with our community.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Summer Sermon Series

Join us every Sunday this summer for our Summer Sermon Series: “#UNFILTERED: Things You Don’t Often Hear In Church.” This series will explore a range of contemporary issues and ethical dilemmas, encouraging open dialogue and fresh perspectives.

Sunday Service Schedule:

Sunday, July 7: Rev. Gerald Davis

Sunday, July 14: Rev. Randy Lewis

Sunday, July 21: Rev. Dr. Nicole Kirk

Sunday, July 28: Rev. Randy Lewis

  • Sermon Title: Trigger Warning

    2023-2024 Themes

    September through May, our services are organized around nine themes which provide a shared focus—
    giving our congregation the opportunity to gain greater clarity, meaning, and depth.

    September: Faith  |  October:  Death  |  November: Forgiveness  |  December: Hope  |  January: Justice  |  February: Love
    March: Brokenness  |  April: Transformation  |  May: Transcendence