Throughout June, join us every Sunday after the service in the Alliance Room for our Just Justice Connection series. Each week, a speaker from one of our Social Justice Teams will facilitate a discussion related to that Sunday’s message, highlighting their team’s work and its impact. We hope these events provide an opportunity for you to learn more about each of our teams and how you can make a difference.

Upcoming Sessions:

  • Sunday, June 30 | All Souls Green Team: Join us in the Alliance Room after each service on Sunday, June 30, when Gary Allison, Green Team Chair, will lead a discussion on Environmental Justice. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue and support our commitment to environmental justice.
    • Additionally, you can support the Green Team by purchasing their T-shirts and hats. Orders must be placed in batches of 12, with shirts priced at $12.65 and hats at $12.78.
  • Snacks and light refreshments will be provided.

Event Details:

  • Time: After Each Service
  • Location: Alliance Room, just off of Emerson Hall

The conversation starts following each of our services. The key word is conversation as we encourage everyone who attends to ask questions and engage with a dialogue to learn more about the work our teams are doing and how you can get involved.